Another day is past, and while it past,
What have I pondered or conceived or read?
Nothing! Another day has gone to waste.
Nothing! Each hour as it is born is dead.
I have done nothing. Time from me has fled,
And unto Beauty not a statue raised!
By thought's firm power no creed nor lie debased
By this young useless and wearied.
Is it my lot then ever to remain
Like a grain of sand upon the beach,
A thing at will of wind, at will of sea?
Alas, that aught that wishes and has pain,
Because e'er fall'n from what its power should reach
Less than a thing inanimate should be!
Poesia Inglesa. Fernando Pessoa. (Organização e tradução de Luísa Freire. Prefácio de Teresa Rita Lopes.) Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 1995.
- 92.Destinado ao volume «Sonnets in Many Moods».
1ª publ.: «Alexandre em “Busca” de Fernando, ou cinco breves notas sobre a poesia de Alexander Search, seguidas de oito poemas seus e respectivas traduções. » Vasco Graça Moura. in Actas do 1º Congresso Internacional de Estudos Pessoanos. Porto: Brasília Ed. - Centro de Estudos Pessoanos, 1979.