To‑day I sought to write, and found I had
With expectation my worn mind abused,
Yet deemed I not so choked and so confused
My thoughts already should be. I grow mad.
Bare of ideas, lame in my o'er‑used
Uselessly tired reason, feeling bad
Before the light sun, I stand lone and sad,
Friendship and kinship by mankind refused.
I labour but to think. I cannot think.
My thinking raves or sickens into dream
As I of some deep‑witched brew did drink.
That did strange horrors in my soul reveal.
A storm approaches. All grows dark. I feel
My reason leave me like a last sunbeam.
Poesia Inglesa. Fernando Pessoa. (Organização e tradução de Luísa Freire. Prefácio de Teresa Rita Lopes.) Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 1995.
- 176.Destinado ao volume «Agony».