Fernando Pessoa
Occasion cannot make me weak or strong
Occasion cannot make me weak or strong
For mine own soul the true occasion is,
Nor shall I measure fact more short or long
Except the soul's rod space exceed or miss.
Like a revolving many‑coloured sphere
My soul turns to the event one casual side,
And shows to it what was already there;
Its hue with the turned hue the effect decide.
So, various by position, not by shape,
Outward in truth but by its motion’s seeing,
The produced act cannot foreseeing escape
Save it take colour of act for shape of being.
I am the same; change cannot change me for
More than mine own illusion of what is more.
Poesia Inglesa. Fernando Pessoa. (Organização e tradução de Luísa Freire. Prefácio de Teresa Rita Lopes.) Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 1995.
- 494.