
Arquivo Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa

D. T.

D. T.

The other day indeed,

With my shoe, on the wall,

I killed a centipede

Which was not there at all.

How can that be?

It's very simple, you see -

Just the beginning of D. T.

When the pink alligator

And the tiger without a head

Begin to take stature

And demanded to be fed,

As I have no shoes

Fit to kill those,

I think I'll start thinking:

Should I stop drinking?

But it really doesn't matter...

Am I thinner or fatter

Because this is this?

Would I be wiser or better

If life were other than this is?

No, nothing is right.

Your love might

Make me better than I

Can be or can try.

But we never know

Darling, I don't know

If the sugar of your heart

Would not turn out candy...

So I let my heart smart

And I drink brandy.

Then the centipede come

Without trouble.

I can see them well.

Or even double.

I'll see them home

With my shoe,

And, when they all go to hell,

I'll go too.

Then, on a whole,

I shall be happy indeed,

Because, with a shoe

Real and true,

I shall kill the true centipede ­-

My lost soul!...


Poesia Inglesa. Fernando Pessoa. (Organização e tradução de Luísa Freire. Prefácio de Teresa Rita Lopes.) Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 1995.

 - 504.

1ª publ. in Obra Poética. Fernando Pessoa. (Organização, introdução e notas de Maria Aliete Dores Galhoz.) Rio de Janeiro: Ed. José Aguilar, 1960.