
Arquivo Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa

1. Chapter studying the evolution of modern civilization…

1. Chapter studying the evolution of modern civilization…

(sketch of chapters)

1. Chapter studying the evolution of modern civilization and leading up to the comprehension of the forces in conflict in the present war.

2. Chapter studying Germany is a product of middle-European situation and defensiveness as a primary state-forming element.

3. The results of the war, such as can be even now foreseen: the great loss of man-power, the renascence of tyranny.

4. A study of the civilizational groups constituting Europe and of the secondary results — the beneficial ones — which will (or may) arise from the German War.

5. The Reformation of Paganism.

The forces that have driven Germany to put itself from its very formation, into opposition with the rest of Europe, have, of course, though they created a defensively formed Germany, yet created a Germany, a national spirit. Once created, this German spirit is a positive factor, though its formation on defensive lines, makes its positive characteristics be expressed through the negative ones on which the state is built. One thing is the mental result of the formation of a German nation; another thing are the conditions in which that nation has been formed.

Therefore, the demonstration which we have just completed, as to the purely negative character of the central theories of the German governing classes, has not exhausted the matter; we have to see, after that, what other elements have not been reckoned within the enumeration we have made.

The German nation would fatally have to build up a theory of social life conformable to the defensive nature of its organisation; but many theories are possible on that basis. Many shades of theory are possible within that line. If one and not another has been followed, the reason is that the typical German mind is at the back of that.

We strike bottom here.

The German mental attitude is made up of three elements:

(1) The defensively-formed nature of its state;

(2) the theories it has built up quâ a state opposed to other European states;

(3) the theories it has built up as a German state, as an organism composed of German minds.


Pessoa Inédito. Fernando Pessoa. (Orientação, coordenação e prefácio de Teresa Rita Lopes). Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 1993.

 - 160.

«O Templo de Jano».