Idea of God
Idea of God
Is it a simple or a composed idea?
Is it a simple idea like that of colour, of time? No. At least if it be a simple idea (a natural idea) it is unexplainable. No one can say of colour but that it is colour nor of time anything than that it is time. But if the idea be simple it cannot include the idea of personality, the idea of goodness, the idea of creator, etc., and all other ideas. And if so it is simply an idea of the Absolute. And if simply the idea of Absolute it is not in any way the idea of God as theologians understand it. (True, mankind has an intuition of the absolute, but, from its very nature no more than an intuition. Reason working on these data, distorts astray, errs, leads men (...), with Gods, Powers, Superentities.
Textos Filosóficos . Vol. II. Fernando Pessoa. (Estabelecidos e prefaciados por António de Pina Coelho.) Lisboa: Ática, 1968.
- 143.