
Arquivo Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa

Emotions live with the objects that cause them and no more.

Emotions live with the objects that cause them and no more. The love of body for body dies with the body, the love of Spirit for Spirit with Spirit endures for ever.

God is neither positive nor negative; He is contrary to all human things, beyond all definite human knowledge. He is the middle term, the unknowable term of all entities. With Him all is Present; there is no Past and no Future; for Present has no negative nor positive, but is the inexplicable medium of Past and Future. Since God neither is nor is not, it is obvious that. He can have no negative, for the positive and negative are in the human considerations of life and not-life.

If we attempt to obtain a negative to God we cannot find it (unless in the dual humanities), for if we conceive, each term by each, the negative of that which neither is nor is not, we behold in it a thing which «neither is not nor is», being but a grammatical jumble, and the same thing as God Himself. Therefore is God His own negative; that is to say, He has no negative at all.

Human considerations:

1. Space.

2. Time.

3. Form.

4. Colour.

5. Weight. Life.


Textos Filosóficos . Vol. II. Fernando Pessoa. (Estabelecidos e prefaciados por António de Pina Coelho.) Lisboa: Ática, 1968.

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