Somewhere dreams will be true.
There is a lonely lake
Moonlit for me and you
And like none for our sake.
There the dark white sail spread
To a vague wind unfelt
Shall make our sleep‑life led
Towards where the waters melt
Into the black‑tree'd shore,
Where the unknown woods meet
The lake's wish to be more,
And make the dream complete.
There we will hide and fade,
Emptly moon‑bound all,
Feeling that what we are made
Was something musical.
«The Mad Fiddler». in Poesia Inglesa. Fernando Pessoa. (Organização e tradução de Luísa Freire. Prefácio de Teresa Rita Lopes.) Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 1995.
- 324.1ª publ. in O Louco Rabequista. Fernando Pessoa. (Organização e tradução de José Blanc de Portugal.) Lisboa: Presença, 1988.