The abstraction of all Existent things, the universal mind,
The abstraction of all Existent things, the universal mind, by which and in which they alone can have life. Thus is seen that by the universal mind I do not mean the ego of Protagoras, nor the sum of every such individual ego.
The universal mind is a generalisation (just as those of Plato).
The relation between Inf[inity] and numbers is the same as that between force (for the materialist) and the being that have it, atoms, cells, birds, beasts, men.
The Force in the Universe is not conceived as the sum of the various particular forces. It is conceived, for otherwise, as containing them.
In the same way Infinity is not understood to be the sum of numbers, but is conceived as containing them. The particular forces are by Force (Energy), they exist in virtue thereof. Numbers exist by Infinity (Quantity-in-se) and in virtue of that.
The cause being a force (power?) must not the effect be also a force?
Textos Filosóficos . Vol. II. Fernando Pessoa. (Estabelecidos e prefaciados por António de Pina Coelho.) Lisboa: Ática, 1968.
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