PROOF - The infinite in a series...
The infinite in a series is that number which is greater than any number conceivable.
But the number does not exist which is greater than any conceivable number.
Therefore the infinite does not exist. That is to say, it is equal to nothing.
Now that which is greater than any conceivable number is either a number or something other than a number.
If a number, then since it is evident that [the number does not exist which is greater than any conceivable number].
If not a number, if other than a number, it is either so by nature or by degree.
If by nature, the Infinite being the contrary of something is equal to nothing, even though that something be «all».
If by degree, we must suppose, as a pure hypothesis, that it is of such a degree as to make it distinct from number — at the same time a number and not a number.
Textos Filosóficos . Vol. II. Fernando Pessoa. (Estabelecidos e prefaciados por António de Pina Coelho.) Lisboa: Ática, 1968.
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