Passing from plurality pure to natural diversity:
Passing from plurality pure to natural diversity:
At first an infinite number of atoms considered, and rightly, as unextended each of them.
Then, obeying the principle of distinction and of differentiation, and to that of relation there become combined, and become so necessarily one with one, one with two, one with three, one with four, proving thus what I shall call natural diversity, or diversity of nature.
Now by this natural diversity, by this ideally natural differentiation, the idea of space must have come into existence. By this natural diversity atoms became really different and the foundation of matter was laid.
I Urge, rightly I believe, that, though it is logical that these unextended atoms, when added, should give no more than each the original atom, the addition 1+2 not more than the addition 1+200, yet, since differentiation by the process of addition, which is real, must become a real differentiation, I think the basis of matter must have been thus laid.
Textos Filosóficos. Vol. II. Fernando Pessoa. (Estabelecidos e prefaciados por António de Pina Coelho.) Lisboa: Ática, 1968.
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