
Arquivo Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa

If colour, form, etc., be objective they are substrata,

If colour, form, etc., be objective they are substrata, for it cannot be but that thing material beyond which we cannot go is a substratum. But we are far from it in this case. Colour, form, far from being substrata are properties, pure properties, properties in themselves, in the abstract.

Colour, form are then subjective? lf so, they, by the very fact of being subjective, that is of being contained in something, are, must be properties and not entities at all. And they are properties, they can be conceived but as properties; there is no one that can deny this.

Properties? Properties of what? This the reader will exclaim. «Properties of what? Since they are contained in spirit they are the properties of spirit, and spirit is then coloured and has a form!»

So it appears, but so is it not Spirit and matter are differently connected with these qualities, with these non-entities. For to matter they are adherent, and inherent to spirit. They are in spirit and by spirit; (...)


Textos Filosóficos . Vol. II. Fernando Pessoa. (Estabelecidos e prefaciados por António de Pina Coelho.) Lisboa: Ática, 1968.

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