Logic has not caused men to think;
Logic has not caused men to think; it has not taught them to reason. Men reason naturally. We cannot learn to reason; we can but learn how men reason. Not the practice, but the theory.
Logic is a history, it observes facts; observes facts, systematizes them, studies their consequences and general laws.
Logic is a science, not an art. For art teaches us to put into action our causative activity, and logic, as has been said, does not teach us to think.
What is the object of logic? Object of a science is what constitutes it.
Object of logic is demonstration. So said Aristotle and Ramus could not shake this argument.
«Nirvâna is Being without individuality, for individuality, being conditioned to space and to time, necessarily includes Action, of which the existence in Nirvâna is the contradiction.» (Guikel).
«When the Buddhist extols inaction, it is but as it seems to him the nearest human approach to Nirvâna, the only way he has of somehow laying a hand on time and on space. Laying a hand on time and on space by reducing them to themselves, by the elimination of their shallower attributes. Of these shallower attributes action is one.» (Guikel).
Textos Filosóficos . Vol. II. Fernando Pessoa. (Estabelecidos e prefaciados por António de Pina Coelho.) Lisboa: Ática, 1968.
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