
Arquivo Pessoa

Álvaro de Campos

Mankind means man: it is man that creates civilization,

Mankind means man: it is man that creates civilization, which woman does but biotogically render possible, which at most she does but preserve. (Woman creates man). Woman is complementary, but sexually and there emotionally complementary, not intellectually. Men are each others' intellectual complementaries. The ancients know no such slavish thing as the «importance» of love in a man's life, thought they know it was sovereignly important in a woman's. Their sanity made them aware of the secondary importance of woman. All Christian literature is a litany to the Virgin Mary, in the person of several ladies who generally have borne more resemblance to Mary Magdelene of the first phase. All Christian literature is woman-ridden; worse it is female.


Pessoa por Conhecer - Textos para um Novo Mapa . Teresa Rita Lopes. Lisboa: Estampa, 1990.

 - 415.

Precedido pela indicação: «Cult of a woman»