If anything, say, infinity exist, we may say that it possesses being.
If anything, say, infinity exist, we may say that it possesses being. But if it possesses being what is itself that it should not be Being, but should possess it? If it be not Being it is not Being.
What is that which is neither Being nor Not-Being? I believe we shall now find it. Being is immutable, Not-Being is immutable. That which is neither one nor the other must therefore have immutability on its essence. Movement, then, here is the essence of the world. Movement is not Being, but it is by Being. It is by Being: it exists. It is by Being; though a thing is incessantly passing to another thing, still that other thing is itself. A river does not pass to the sea.
A river follows itself into the sea. Movement is also by Not-Being it is a perpetual ceasing to exist. But movement in itself is.
It seems, it is true, that there can be in reasoning but Being and Not-Being, that which is not one must be the other. But, by experience, we take knowledge of movement.
Textos Filosóficos . Vol. II. Fernando Pessoa. (Estabelecidos e prefaciados por António de Pina Coelho.) Lisboa: Ática, 1968.
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