
Arquivo Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa

Consciousness epiphenomenon.

Consciousness epiphenomenon.

Self-consciousness is an epiphenomenon, purely an intellectual faculty, susceptible as such, of degrees.

True consciousness is universal, one, simple, indivisible.

This world-consciousness is of the peculiar physical composition called a human being and, at the same time, of the object which he perceives (to take an instance from perception). The peculiar effect of this synchronous consciousness is that a perception is established. The peculiar structure of man when consciousness is in it has the special function of perception, of reasoning, etc. Is this matter of which there is consciousness different from consciousness itself? No, for the universal Consciousness is Consciousness of all atoms, and it is of atoms that the human body, brain are composed. The centralised consciousness is but the life of the atoms magnified and concentrated.

The dualism of spirit and of matter is an illusion.

                 POWER = ACT

Ideas — Things        Consciousness

          Act                            Power


Idea. Thing.


Volition. Movement.

Act and Power appearances of one thing.


Textos Filosóficos . Vol. II. Fernando Pessoa. (Estabelecidos e prefaciados por António de Pina Coelho.) Lisboa: Ática, 1968.

 - 187.