If evolution is to be universally true,
If evolution is to be universally true, itself it must evolute. But if it must evolute evolution is no longer universally true, for it changes, for it ceases to be evolution.
Since things are by nature numerical, i.e., plural, they cannot pertain to an infinite. The sum of things to things, of numbers to numbers cannot give the infinite for to give the infinite among the finite, is to introduce into a numeric sum something which is not a number.
If infinite be a quantity (as some give us to understand when they say the infinite is «that which is greater than a conceivable number», «greater indicates quantity»), if this be so, the infinite when entering into a calculation in other quantities, possess the properties of a quantity, i.e. of dealing with different quantities of giving different results. But this is precisely what it does not. 2 ´ ¥, 100 ´ ¥, ten million by infinite give the same thing: infinite.
No quantity can do this.
Textos Filosóficos . Vol. II. Fernando Pessoa. (Estabelecidos e prefaciados por António de Pina Coelho.) Lisboa: Ática, 1968.
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